"The fruit of the spirit's not a Cherry... the fruit of the spirit's not a Cherry...if you want to be a Cherry...you might as well hear it, you can't be a fruit of the spirit 'cause the fruits are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control."
The song would repeat listing various fruits that were not the fruit of the spirit. Anyway, this song has stuck with me ever since, and whenever I hear or read Galatians 5:22-23 I cannot help but sing the song in my head. I thought it would be interesting to blog about my reflections of these fruits and where I think I am with them currently in my life.
I am skipping ahead a few to patience because that is something I have been dealing with a lot lately. Most days I am good with this and trust in God's timing for my life, but other days are definitely more difficult. Yesterday was one of those days.
Let me give you a glimpse into a battle that seems to be constantly waging inside my head these days.
1. I really want a job. The things that follow will help explain many of the reasons that I want a job so badly.
2. I really want to own our own house. We have rented the past four years, and the place we are currently living is not a place I want to keep Kaylee in long term. It is an old house with its share of problems. It's not too much to ask for a dishwasher, more than one bathroom, and a place to call our own, right?
3. I really want to do a nursery for Kaylee. This would require having a house of our own. We didn't do one in Campbellsville because we knew that we were going to be moving after I graduated, and we did not want to move a lot of extra furniture. I have all of the bedding and accessories to go with it, and I have a great idea for her room, but still no nursery :-(.
Then I am able to come back with reasons to all of these things to show how it is silly to stress over them because I am truly blessed beyond measure.
1. God will provide me a job in his timing. If I try to rush it I might end up at a church where I am not able to serve as well because it is not the place God wants me to serve at. And I am getting this extended "maternity leave" where I am getting to watch and help my daughter grow and experience life everyday.
2. No, the house we are living in is not the nicest, but it really could be a whole lot worse. We have shelter over our heads and a place to live where we are not paying rent while I am looking for a job and trying to save up for a house.
3. Kaylee does not realize she doesn't have a fancy nursery. She has all her needs met and she is so healthy and happy. Wanting a nursery is really my selfish desires that does not affect her well being.
So I go back and forth, back and forth between these thoughts about where I am in life. I ultimately know that we are exactly where we need to be and that God is providing and will continue to provide for our needs. But some days I am selfish and my heart really longs for the desires in the first list. It is on those days that my patience is really tested and I have to struggle harder to put things in perspective.
Please keep us in your prayers. First and foremost for the patience to trust in God's will and timing, but also for that to happen.
If it makes you feel any better, Violet didn't get a nursery until she was 7 months old when we finally got settled in Texas. She lived in her pack n play until then. The time you have with her right now is soooo much better than a pretty room. BUT I know how hard the waiting is and I hope you are able to find the patience, it sounds like you do have a great perspective :)