Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Job Hunting Sucks...

There, got that off my chest!  But really, I am starting to get extremely frustrated.  I am having memories of 4 years ago when I was trying to find a job and that awful 7 month waiting period I went through before finally finding one.  You find a job, apply for it, think you really have a great chance of getting it (because you are more than qualified), but they already have someone in mind for the job before they even list it.  FRUSTRATING!!!! 

Or, you spend hours upon hours searching for jobs online and filling out applications.  But attaching your resume isn't enough. No, you have to fill out the same information that is on your resume on the application, FOR EVERY JOB YOU APPLY FOR!!!!  So time consuming, headache causing, eye-crossing, make-you-want-to-pull-your-hair-out annoying!  I was finally able to get a job back then because of a good connection I had.

Well, now I do not have hours upon hours to spend searching for jobs and taking the time to painstakingly fill out the same information on all of them.  I have a sweet baby girl to take care of (which I absolutely LOVE doing!)  Just about the time I sit down and get a good start on an application, Kaylee wakes up from her nap, and by the time I have a chance to work on it again, my session has timed out and all the information I included has been lost.  Ugh.

I am also finding out the hard way that apparently churches take their sweet time filling vacant positions.  Now, I completely understand the importance of seeking God's will for the person who is the best fit for the church, I really do.  But I submitted my resume to a church back in the middle of June, and after recent inquiry to their search I find out that they are still not officially accepting resumes!  I guess I should have started trying to find a church job a year ago.  Now I know.

Anyway, I really am trying to trust God's plan in all of this and to stop making my own.  I am really thankful for our living situation right now, but the house we are in is not going to be easy to baby proof when she starts getting mobile in a few months.  I don't need anything fancy, but a home to grow into would be nice.  It's too bad mom's do not get paid to take care of their children, it really is some of the hardest, yet most rewarding work there is!

1 comment:

  1. churches TAKE FOREVER. I feel for ya. I really do. hang in there! do you have someone to watch the little one for a few hours each week or day? I've heard if you make a job out of looking for a job it helps. sending prayers your way.
